15 Pieces of Flair

     Our military uniforms are adorned with ribbons, medals, patches, badges, tabs, unit crests, name tags, insignia, rank, and more. It shows everyone who we are, where we stand, what we’ve been through. So, what happens when you take off your military uniform for the last time? Some Veterans report feeling a loss of identity, their sense of self – their military service was their purpose, now what? 

     We created Assault Forward to give those Veterans and patriotic Americans who want to display their pride of service and support for the military in professional settings a way to do so in a subtle and unique way. Using the reverse American flag as the basis for our designs you can wear a symbol of your service when you’re in a suit. Our lapel pins, cuff-links, tie-bars, and other accessories are perfect for starting a conversation about your time in uniform. Don’t overdo it though, no one wants to see you rocking 15 pieces of flair like in Office Space! 

     - JH